Thursday, June 19, 2014

Installation and the Sacred Journey

The Journey Begins.  

Going out to install  my creations with Helen documenting was quite exciting and wonderfully satisfying.  I asked Helen to take as many pictures as possible, and I showed her how to use the video section of my digital camera as well.  The video she took surprised me!  It was amazing to see myself work so delicately, and to see my genuine excitement in the process of working.  While working I'd presumed that Helen had forgotten about taking video altogether, until after we had finished for the day.  Just knowing that I had no clue that I was being filmed was amazing to me.  This whole process unfolded and she caught it in action, completely unaware of video documentation.  

We walked along Cambridge street in Brighton and had finished the installations before brunch at Twin Donuts.  I must've called these little nooks in stone walls to me (I visualized them beforehand) because there were three different small spaces carved out almost as if they were custom made for my project.  Helen had said that the universe must have answered me back, and she was right.  The color of my objects against the gray of the stone was magical, the nooks themselves were magical, and installing felt so spontaneous and organic that the whole morning left me utterly fulfilled in my work.  


  1. Sarah you and your work are amazing. You are like a rainbow that leaves bits of yourself wherever you go.

    1. Toni! I am honored to have you be my first commentator! How cool :) ..and thank you for your words. As is often the case, they touch my heart.
